Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Differenes Between Good Human and Ignorance

The are lots of differences between good human and ignorance. The differences are that good human people are honest, good minded, and sometimes they don’t get in trouble a whole lot. They are smart people, why the ignorance people are just plain stupid. The ignorance has no brain, they don’t know right from wrong. They don’t know when to stop. It crazy help people can be so ignorant these days. Some of these concepts apply to the people are in jail, on the streets, or in courtroom getting yelled at from the judge. The good human people are the people who have a job, living it on their own, no how to behave , not in jail, and they know right from wrong.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Experience With Test.

A lot of people ask me this question. My experience with standardize testing is that I dislike it, but I try my best, and I want to get through with it as fast as I can. Standardize testing to me is the most difficult test that you can ever do. I think sometimes it is a waste of my time and other. I’ve never had a good experience with the test because there is no meaning to it. Like if it isn’t important for us to do in school, then there is no point of doing this test at all. People don’t want to do things that is not important to do. The only thing that I like about this test is that it shows what the kids had learned this year. That means that if people don’t do bad on their test then that means they did not care about school or their education. So that is the only thing about the test that I like. There are probably other good reason why that this test should be taken. Because it cold show the board if the teacher are actually do their jobs. It is important to know if the teachers are doing their jobs, because the kids could doing bad in school because of that one teacher or more teachers. I think that now this test is more important then I thought it was.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Response

Brian Richardson

There are a lot of things that I can do to be mature and helpful to writing an essay. Things that I can do are show them what should they start with, or I could give them a packet that shows all the prompts how to write an essay. But I know, if they don’t know how to do it be patient with them. Don’t get upset with them because they don’t learn it that quick. Have patient with them and wait for them. My behavior towards being taught how to do this, I would probably get mad at first because I don’t know how to do it. But sooner or later I will get it. When being open to learn how to write I would kind of be mad, because I hate writing and because I am not so good at it any ways. But then if they would ask me about it the I would be happy because then I could learn how to be a better writer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What I Hate About A Teacher

There are a lot of things that I can name that I really hate about teachers. First of all I hate when some teacher let the students in the classroom run them over like crazy. For instance the teacher needs to be stricter to the students. I work in a church that use to have a lot of bad kids. But when I got there I turn those little kids to great, young angels. I told them that I am not going to be your best friend; I am here to help you. After church is a different thing, but when are in church it is serious time. They all respect that too because they know what there are doing before they do it. Another thing that I hate about teachers is how they try to become their friend. Like I said earlier teachers are not there to be your friend, they’re there to be your teacher. That’s why they are called teachers. Get it TEACH-ER!!!!!!!!! Well there are other things that I hate about a teacher but I don’t have time to explain it all to you.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How do the Notes Connect to us Writing?

The notes that we had to take in class, was very helpful for how we can write our play. Especially when we went to the play called “Switch”. It was about foster youth and it was very interesting to see how they knew a lot about our history. We all started crying like crazy on one of the parts. The notes also tell us how to write a perfect essay for our coming senior presentation. These notes are probably going to be very helpful on other things that we are going to do in class. I really hope these notes will get me a god grade on the play that we are going to write. The last time I did a playwright was when I was in Mrs. Preister class. I did not do so well and because of that I did got an F. The reason why I didn’t do so well is because I didn’t have the material like I have it now.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Q1. Who judges what makes a good writer?

A1. Well I think that the only people who can judge a person as a good or bad writer is the person who has experience in writing. Like you wouldn’t like it if somebody who knew nothing about writing told you that you suck at writing and you should never write again. Isn’t that just wrong? So I would rather get a pro writer, someone who knows how write. Another person who can judge you if you are bad or a good writer is yourself. If you don’t have that confidents to write and you say that you can write better than Dr. Seuss and you don’t even write for them then how would people know. I think that you are only a good writer if you put your mind to it and just do it.

Q2. What makes good writing, what qualities are visible in good writing?

A2. A good essay is only good if you make it good. For example if you are lazy and you put out these stupid comments on your paper because you didn’t care then that dumb. Having a good essay needs time and effort. You’ll know if you are reading a good essay is when you are finding yourself interested in the paper. If you are finding yourself bored as hell of this retarded, boring, no point essay then you know that the person did not take their time or effort to write this essay.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Are You A Writer Yourself?

Q1. Do I think that I act like a writer?

A1. No, I really don't think that I act like a writer. I just write the way I was taught to write. The reason why I don’t act the way other writers do is because I am not a big fan of writing. In fact I really hate writing. Accept if I had to talk in front of a crowd of people, then I would probably like to write instead. I think writing is a way to get the person feelings out paper. But don’t get me wrong that is a perfect way to get your feelings out of the way. So I think that is a good thing to do when you are feeling depressed or when you have nothing else to do. I think writing is also away to get rid of boredom. So if you ever get bored, get a piece of line paper and start writing. Now this is what you call writing up a storm.